A Farewell

My dearest Beemer,

ย Right now, my heart is still hurting because I am missing you so much. I know that it has only been a day since you left me to go to puppy heaven but it already feels like a lifetime. I will be missing the little things you do like always know when I have arrived and bark until I come and get you or allow me to be the only person to get near you when you are in one of your tantrums/ “moods”. I know I might not have shown you how much I loved you while you were with me but be assured that I did.. so much.. I am sorry that I was unable to provide a home for you that you deserved. I am sorry that I let you suffer. I should have brought you to the doctor right away. I am sorry that I did not get to spend a lot of time with you. There are so many things that I want to apologize for but I guess the important things is that you will no longer be experiencing pain from now on. I know God will provide a home for you and the other doggies there in heaven. Please always remember that I will be keeping you in my heart for ever. I love you so much ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

March 29, 2007 at 1:58 pm 1 comment

prayers for my baby

my darling dog, beemer, is dying. he has contracted leptospirosis and is currently confined at the vet’s. i have been warned that he may not survive this. pretty soon i’d have to make a decision. do i let him continue to fight his illness or should i let him go and rest forever instead? this is breaking my heart and causes me so much sadness that i’m brought to tears every time i think about it. please include beemer in your prayers. he is a darling dog and i love him so much ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

March 28, 2007 at 1:48 pm Leave a comment


i’m thinking of quitting my current job when my bond ends in may. i feel under appreciated. i feel lost all of a sudden ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

February 28, 2007 at 12:10 pm 1 comment

postcards i liked from postsecret.com

February 24, 2007 at 4:01 pm Leave a comment

dear nintendo ds,


you are the reason i have been having sleepless nights these past few days. please let me finish this game already…

February 22, 2007 at 3:29 pm 1 comment


And it’s a winding road
I’ve been walking for a long time
I still don’t know
Where it goes

February 15, 2007 at 2:00 pm Leave a comment

guilty pleasures

For the past few weeks i have been hooked on the Korean series, Princess Hours. I have tried my best to resist but I finally embraced it since it’s what the people in our entire household watch everytime I get home from work. It doesn’t hurt that the characters are cute and the clothes are really nice. So there, I finally got sucked into watching Koreanovelas.

I was reading the latest issue of Mega when I saw this…

Super nice rings from Cru in Power Plant, Rockwell. I’m planning to get myself one for Valentine’s day ๐Ÿ™‚ unless my dear sister or someone else will get me one, wink wink haha.. you’re excempted baby :-p

so i noticed this is a really shallow post. forgive me for i am stressed out from work. shopping is my kind of therapy. good night ๐Ÿ™‚

February 7, 2007 at 3:48 pm Leave a comment


i hate the fact that even though i’m turning 25 soon, she still treats me like a little girl. i know for most people, being not allowed to go out at night with your friends by your parents when you’re 24 and working sounds absurd. welcome to my life. it’s not like i’m party monster who goes out every night.. compared to other people, you might even say my social life is boring to non-existent… apparently this has not occurred to her. no matter how good i try to behave, she treats me like i’m some stupid bimbo who can easily be pressured to take drugs or party every night. i am getting tired. can someone please save me from all these?

thank God for you. i know that there are times when you feel like just walking out of my life because of how complicated or more oftentimes boring it is but you still stick around and do your best to make me happy. i don’t know what i would do without you. thank you for loving the imperfect person that i am ๐Ÿ™‚

on a happier note, the person i mentioned above just bought me the new Sophie Kinsella novel, Shopaholic and Baby.

Shopaholic and Baby

I told him to drop by Rockwell and get me the book before he went to my house this afternoon because I needed cheering up. I told him I’d pay him though lest you think I am a materialistic bi**h. Being the perfect boyfriend that he is though, he just gave it to me and insisted I not pay for it. Yey! I get an entire afternoon with him plus the book as a bonus!

the past month has been eventful because I got to meet up with friends, attend ton’s brother’s wedding and as of two weeks ago up until the present, now owns the number record in our fantasy league. i know that sounds shallow but basketball is one of the things that ton and i love the most. being number one in our office’s fantasy league is satisfying not only because i am whupping my officemates asses thereby eliminating trash talking but having the chance to win the pot ain’t too shabby either. i’ll just try to enumerate the events as i remember them:

1. post new year lunch at sonya’s garden with ton.

2. picnic at la mesa eco park with david, felix, jp, his new gf, amethyst and ton. twas so much fun spending time with ton’s friends as always especially since i get along real well with them. it also didn’t hurt that ton made our yummy picnic lunch..

3. dinner at cyma in shangrila with the girls. it’s rare that we get the chance to spend time with mayflor and tweety so it was a really fun night just bonding and catching up on each others’ lives. i don’t have pictures yet though since janice doesn’t know how to upload the pictures into our yahoo groups.

4 . dinner with ton’s college friends in tagaytay.

5. discovering the joys of divisoria. my tita, sister and i have gone to divisoria twice now. i used to think that it was this one big, chaotic and dirty place and maybe sometimes it still is but i have fallen in love with shopping there. where else can you buy really, really cheap clothes that are often sold in malls for twice their prices? i was able to buy almost 10 tops, 2 pairs of work slacks, 1 brown belt, 1 necklace and a pair of earrings all for less than Php 3,000 bucks or $60.00!

6. attending ahya allan (ton’s kuya) and hershey’s wedding. it was a really memorable wedding especially since i had the chance to bond with ton’s mom and his sisters-in-law. the wedding itself was short and sweet with the couple giving each other heartfelt vows. the reception was also fun since we got the chance to spend time again with ton’s xavier barkada. the only disaster was my make-up that made me look like a vampire. i swear, once i find that guy who did my make-up, he will not be able to touch another lipstick in his entire life :-p

that’s me with ton and his mom in the picture.

that’s about it for me tonight since i have work again tomorrow and i promised ton that i would wake up early to exercise. sorry for my typos and whatever incoherent thoughts i have written above. i am just trying to cram everything i can remember in one post. good night ๐Ÿ™‚

February 4, 2007 at 4:51 pm Leave a comment

We’re Number One!!!

My League Standing

Special thanks to my GM ๐Ÿ™‚

January 30, 2007 at 5:51 am 2 comments

a belated merry christmas to all!

is it just me or does it seem like the older we get, the more we don’t feel the christmas spirit anymore? i guess it’s because amidst all the shopping and gift-giving, we forget the true reason we’re celebrating this, jesus’ birthday. anyway, lest i sound too preachy and all that, i confess that the only reason i didnt feel the christmas spirit that much this year was that i was working up until december 22. we left for bicol on dec. 23rd and so i wasnt able to do much celebrating in manila anymore. this year also marked my 3rd christmas with ton though we have yet to celebrate it together. being a grown-up also means that you’re now capable of giving gifts from your own pocket thus resulting in the near-depletion of my savings and the overuse of my cradit cards. also, your relatives stop giving you gifts because they figure that you can probably afford what they’re going to give you anyway.. which is totally not true haha.. it’s always nice to get something no matter how much it cost them. it’s always nice to be remembered. i still have one christmas gift to collect though so i’m counting on redeeming that gift during the mango sale haha.. oh and i still owe ton his nintendo wii… anybody out there selling one for only $250 or less ;-)?

ย anyway, much to look forward to in the coming days. i go back to work on january 4. that’s almost 6 days of vacation for me! good thing i have filed for a leave for january 2 and 3. i had a feeling that our freaking president would not be giving us another holiday for the new year.ย  ton and i are going to tagaytay on january 3 so that he can practice taking pictures with his new camera.

in happier news, the seamstress who is making our dresses for ton’s brother’s wedding said that i lost weight already.. and i went down one size.. i found this out after trying on a mango skirt that i’m still contemplating on whether to buy.

have a happy new year, you guys! i’m now going back to watching weeds (i heart conrad) and monitoring the lakers-bobcats game. my fantasy nba team’s standing depends on it:-)

December 30, 2006 at 3:18 am Leave a comment

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