Archive for August, 2006

my addiction

you know how people with addictions have problems confessing that they have a problem? well, i used to be like that.. but tonight, i decided to come clean. i am an addict.. an earrings addict to be exact.. did you really think i would do drugs??? come on 🙂 what brought about this confession? well tonight, i finally got around to fixing my accessories because i was able to buy a very nice earring holder from my trip to quiapo with ton (more on that later).. after sorting and fixing everything, i realized i have too much earrings considering, as ton would always remind me, i only have a pair of ears. now i have solved the mystery of where my money usually goes.. believe me, the picture below is not even half of what i have.. i have been thinking of ways to earn extra cash lately because i have concluded that i cannot live on my salary alone. this is my latest project.      ton and i went to quiapo to buy kitchen equipment for him and jewelry findings for me. guess what we ended up buying? he bought a pan and several other kitchen stuff for himself while i got myself a drill.. talk about role reversal huh? haha.. lest you think i’m the more macho of the two of us (although ton would wholeheartedly agree with this), the drill i bought was just for drilling holes into beads. it was a fun and special day all in all because i rarely get the chance to spend an entire day with ton. was surprised to get a text message from ton’s ex. i used to be really upset when they talk but lately i’ve been putting effort into being friends with her. i think it’s better to be friends with everybody anyway right? i’m pretty happy that i’m friends with people i never imagined i’d be friends with… my ex’s ex gf whom he two-timed me with (i’m talking about you karla 🙂 ) and my current boyfriend’s ex. i’ve discovered that instead of being a bitch that i thought she’d be, karla is actually one of the nicest girls i’ve ever met. we’re even planning to have dinner soon although we never get around to actually doing it because of our schedules. i admit that i was kind of insecure of my current bf’s ex before but ever since i had the chance to talk to her, i discovered that she was pretty much like me, with her own insecurities, and that there is nothing to feel threatened about. well, i’m hoping that in time, i won’t even feel a tinge of jealousy when they talk (at least i admit that i still get a teensy bit jealous 😉 )and that instead we’ll just end up being really good friends. ps. ton is trying to piss me off right now so i might just delete this entire thing later :-p

August 22, 2006 at 3:10 pm 4 comments

waiting for my real life to begin

Any minute now, my ship is coming in

I’ll keep checking the horizon

And I’ll check my machine,

there’s sure to be that call

It’s gonna happen soon, soon, soon

It’s just that times are lean

Waiting for My Real Life to Begin by Colin Hay

Sometimes I feel that this life I’m living right now is only temporary. Do you have days like this?

It doesn’t help that it’s that time of the month again.. Damn, I’m all bloated and grumpy

August 17, 2006 at 11:04 am Leave a comment

so does this mean i get a raise?

our company evaluates its employees once a year. this evalution determines whether we get a raise or get promoted in september. well, i had the talk with my manager a while ago.. guess what? i got an A rating or “significantly above peer group“! wow! i’m hoping that this would translate to a higher salary lol.. i’m getting progressed (something like a promotion) anyway so an increase would be REALLY appreciated 😀

 good to know i’m at least being appreciated for my contributions.. now, i have to go back to working to justify that nice evaluation 😀 damn!

August 15, 2006 at 8:46 am 1 comment

the damage so far..

so tiff and i went to the topshop and dorothy perkins private sale. we were not able to enjoy shopping in topshop galleria because of the number of people squeezed into a tiny store..and the line was absurdly long. so we went to dorothy perkins. tiff wasnt able to purchase anything but she said she’ll be checking out the other topshop branches too so i’m not worried. so far, i have bought a pair of earrings (what’s new?) a long strand of necklace and a bag similar to the balenciaga motorcycle bag i like so much.. the bag was 50% off so it was a great find.. so far, i have spent P1,204.00.. not as much i i expected.. yay!  the day is still young though.. who knows what will happen later? i might accidentally (!) drop by podium or shangri-la.. don’t worry baby, i’ll be a good girl. and thanks tiff for the invite!

August 11, 2006 at 7:26 am

on the other hand

topshop sale tom! i’m going with tiff! happy, happy, joy, joy.. i’ll be able to go shopping because of my wonderful boyfriend.. you’re the best hahaha 🙂

August 10, 2006 at 1:28 pm Leave a comment

so how was your day?

i’m still stuck at work.. how exciting.. life is beautiful.. oh.. and i’m being sarcastic..

August 10, 2006 at 1:26 pm Leave a comment

i’m only happy when it rains… not

the weather more often than not sets the tone for my mood for the day.

today it was rainy.

so guess what? my day sucked. work has been non-productive these past few days mostly because of our american counterparts.. see, filipinos are not the only ones who don’t get things done on time.

 i guess you would think that having nothing to do for an entire day is great. well, think again.. doing actual work is so much easier than pretending to work. you won’t have to pretend to be busy with something everytime the bosses pass by when in reality, you’re just checking out the latest hollywood gossip, nba news or surfing friendster. actually working means that after your tasks are done, you won’t feel guilty doing the above-mentioned activities (namely checking out the latest hollywood gossip, nba news or surfing friendster) because you HAVE actually done what you were supposed to do.. lol. i know i’m not making any sense again. blame it one the non-existent exercise status my brain is in at the moment.

 in other news, i have been watching prison break and veronica mars for the past few days.. it’s so much more fun watching a tv series when you got them for free.. a big thanks to my boy who patiently downloaded them for me.. i promise, more sushi for you next time! oh and can you believe how hot wentworth miller is? i thought channing tatum was hot, but boy, wenty makes him look homely in comparison.. again, forgive me for being a girl hahaha

currently watching: Veronica Mars

current mood: contented

August 9, 2006 at 2:12 pm Leave a comment

is this normal?

i so don’t want to be affected by her. heck, i’m even trying to be friends with her but so far i’m still a teensy bit affected that she asked him to visit her.. but i’m trying to be mature about this whole thing.. i’ll get over this, i’m sure 🙂

August 6, 2006 at 3:58 pm Leave a comment

the girl

one girl's struggle to survive in the grown-up world.

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Everyday is a Winding Road

August 2006

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