Archive for September, 2006

tired but happy

i am super tired right now but i can honestly say i’m happy. i have a love-hate relationship with any form of exercise. lately though, i’ve been making an extra effort to exercise to reach my target goal of losing a lot of weight by december. although some people prefer lying down after exercising, i am the complete opposite! i am too keyed up after working my butt off that i’m usually as perky as an energizer bunny. today, i jogged for 30 minutes in the treadmill and joined a body combat class afterwards. i expect that i’ll still be up at around 2 am. great! now if i can just find a way to wake up early for work tomorrow then my night will be perfect.

song of the moment: Seven Days in Sunny June by Jamiroquai

September 18, 2006 at 3:02 pm 3 comments

i don’t want to grow up yet

i am not ready to be a grown up yet. being left with so much responsibility drives me crazy.

my aunt left for the states around 2 weeks ago. she left me a ton of money to pay for all the bills, utilities and groceries. i am now going insane trying to make sure that everything i’ve spent is well accounted for. managing a household is tough but i’ve been doing it for a couple of years now. it’s only my sister and i plus the household help who live in our house here in manila. these things only make me realize that i am nowhere ready to live alone or to get married. i have days when i wish i can go back to grade school or high school where the only thing i really worry about it keeping my grades up. why is getting older so complicated?

i guess what brought about this rant is the fact that lately i’ve been bored out of my mind with work. i’m not saying work is easy because it’s not. i’ve just been feeling restless about my job. i don’t enjoy it anymore. is this normal?

i’ve only really appreciated music when ton gave me an ipod for christmas last year. now, however, i’m loving music so much that i spend at least an hour every night just looking for songs to download or just plain updating my ipod. before, my musical tastes were limited to britney spears, the backstreet boys, nsync and 98 degrees only because their songs are the ones on heavy rotation in radio stations. because of my ipod, however, i am proud to say that my musical tastes have improved and now consist of bands like snow patrol, deathcab for cutie and jars of clay and artists like jack johnson, joshua radin, imogen heap, vienna teng and regina spektor. i still have some of my guilty pleasures on my ipod (ie. 98 degrees songs that ton makes fun of) but now i always look forward to times when i just hang out infront of my computer and find out that there is still so much music out there waiting to be discovered.

 i’ve been hooked on the series “how i met your mother” since last week. i just finished the last episode of the first season awhile ago. i can’t wait for the new season! i just find it funny that i always end up liking the asshole character in the show more than the others. in this show, it was neil patrick harris of the doogie howser(sp?) show. it’s so much more fun watching him play a jerk than a nerdy little kid. the songs they play on the show also kick ass. as ton always says, songs are more memorable when you can associate it with a certain moment or scene in a movie/show. well, this show has lots of those songs. if you guys haven’t seen the show yet and have some time to burn then i recommend that you watch it.

 i am going jogging by the way tomorrow. wish me luck! :-p


chocolate by snow patrol, into the ocean by blue october and seven days in sunny june by jamiroquai


the fact that there’s work tomorrow.

by the way, i skipped work today. woke up with a splitting headache and decided to reward myself with a day off from work. it was a sick leave well spent.

September 11, 2006 at 2:09 pm Leave a comment

you all have to watch this

Ok Go at the VMAs

September 7, 2006 at 3:55 pm 1 comment

I want to swim away but don’t know how
Sometimes it feels just like I’m falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion
Let the rain of what I feel right now…come down
Let the rain come down –
Into the Ocean by Blue October

September 6, 2006 at 3:14 pm Leave a comment

the girl

one girl's struggle to survive in the grown-up world.

Today I’m Feeling

My Punkymood

Everyday is a Winding Road

September 2006

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