Archive for November 1, 2006

NBA fever

two of my favorite teams in the NBA won today, one of them lost. i guess it was bound to happen since they were playing against each other. the chicago bulls whupped the miami heat in the ass, winning 108-66 while the los angeles lakers came from behind beating phoenix 114-106. what’s interesting in the lakers’ win is that they played without kobe. watching two teams i really like isn’t as satisfying as a favorite team beating, say the los angeles clippers. i don’t really like the clippers. why, you ask? because they are always being compared to the lakers, and somehow people always put them on top,although i am now starting to have a soft spot for elton brand because i have him in one of my fantasy league teams. one weird fact about me: i don’t really like lebron james. i feel that everybody is just making a big deal out of him. for some reason, i like rooting for the underdogs. it’s more fun watching people win when you least expect them to.

Andrew Bynum

So Proud of Andrew Bynum

I’m sad for stevie and the suns though 😦

this post requires a disclaimer. i am in no way an nba expert. anything i post here is entirely my own opinion 😉 good i thing i have my own NBA nut to keep me straight.. peace baby :-p and okay, i respect lebron but i don’t have to like him very much, right?   😀



November 1, 2006 at 3:11 pm Leave a comment

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