A Farewell

March 29, 2007 at 1:58 pm 1 comment

My dearest Beemer,

 Right now, my heart is still hurting because I am missing you so much. I know that it has only been a day since you left me to go to puppy heaven but it already feels like a lifetime. I will be missing the little things you do like always know when I have arrived and bark until I come and get you or allow me to be the only person to get near you when you are in one of your tantrums/ “moods”. I know I might not have shown you how much I loved you while you were with me but be assured that I did.. so much.. I am sorry that I was unable to provide a home for you that you deserved. I am sorry that I let you suffer. I should have brought you to the doctor right away. I am sorry that I did not get to spend a lot of time with you. There are so many things that I want to apologize for but I guess the important things is that you will no longer be experiencing pain from now on. I know God will provide a home for you and the other doggies there in heaven. Please always remember that I will be keeping you in my heart for ever. I love you so much 😦

Entry filed under: Family.

prayers for my baby

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. lizzie  |  April 13, 2007 at 2:06 pm

    oh my gosh!!! 😦 i’m so sorry Teenai….oh mygosh… 😦


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