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i’m thinking of quitting my current job when my bond ends in may. i feel under appreciated. i feel lost all of a sudden 😦

February 28, 2007 at 12:10 pm 1 comment

postcards i liked from

February 24, 2007 at 4:01 pm Leave a comment

guilty pleasures

For the past few weeks i have been hooked on the Korean series, Princess Hours. I have tried my best to resist but I finally embraced it since it’s what the people in our entire household watch everytime I get home from work. It doesn’t hurt that the characters are cute and the clothes are really nice. So there, I finally got sucked into watching Koreanovelas.

I was reading the latest issue of Mega when I saw this…

Super nice rings from Cru in Power Plant, Rockwell. I’m planning to get myself one for Valentine’s day 🙂 unless my dear sister or someone else will get me one, wink wink haha.. you’re excempted baby :-p

so i noticed this is a really shallow post. forgive me for i am stressed out from work. shopping is my kind of therapy. good night 🙂

February 7, 2007 at 3:48 pm Leave a comment

a belated merry christmas to all!

is it just me or does it seem like the older we get, the more we don’t feel the christmas spirit anymore? i guess it’s because amidst all the shopping and gift-giving, we forget the true reason we’re celebrating this, jesus’ birthday. anyway, lest i sound too preachy and all that, i confess that the only reason i didnt feel the christmas spirit that much this year was that i was working up until december 22. we left for bicol on dec. 23rd and so i wasnt able to do much celebrating in manila anymore. this year also marked my 3rd christmas with ton though we have yet to celebrate it together. being a grown-up also means that you’re now capable of giving gifts from your own pocket thus resulting in the near-depletion of my savings and the overuse of my cradit cards. also, your relatives stop giving you gifts because they figure that you can probably afford what they’re going to give you anyway.. which is totally not true haha.. it’s always nice to get something no matter how much it cost them. it’s always nice to be remembered. i still have one christmas gift to collect though so i’m counting on redeeming that gift during the mango sale haha.. oh and i still owe ton his nintendo wii… anybody out there selling one for only $250 or less ;-)?

 anyway, much to look forward to in the coming days. i go back to work on january 4. that’s almost 6 days of vacation for me! good thing i have filed for a leave for january 2 and 3. i had a feeling that our freaking president would not be giving us another holiday for the new year.  ton and i are going to tagaytay on january 3 so that he can practice taking pictures with his new camera.

in happier news, the seamstress who is making our dresses for ton’s brother’s wedding said that i lost weight already.. and i went down one size.. i found this out after trying on a mango skirt that i’m still contemplating on whether to buy.

have a happy new year, you guys! i’m now going back to watching weeds (i heart conrad) and monitoring the lakers-bobcats game. my fantasy nba team’s standing depends on it:-)

December 30, 2006 at 3:18 am Leave a comment

Dear Santa,

 All I want this Christmas is to have peace of mind… That’s not too much to ask, right?

 Oh and for Ton to get better and get everything he wishes for this season..


Your Exhausted Little Girl (Last time I checked, I’m still vertically challenged :-p)

December 22, 2006 at 4:53 pm Leave a comment

All I want for Christmas

Since it’s almost Christmas time again, i’ll try to make life easier for my friends and relatives by posting my Christmas wish list.. hahahaha..

1. Wishing Bracelets from Rustan’s

wishing bracelets

2. Havaianas – I just found this particular pair cute but I’m still deciding on whether I should get this since I’ve yet to start on my Christmas shopping.. My bank account will be suffering from malnourishment after the holidays, im sure

3. A book light from Fully Booked Gateway or Mall of Asia. The branches in Rockwell and Greenhills have run out of them already.

4. GCs from Zara, Bayo, Kamiseta, Powerbooks, Mango or Topshop.

See, I’m an easy girl to please hahaha.. Nothing over P1000.00 bucks hahaha..

December 9, 2006 at 3:51 am 1 comment

this will be a schizo post

ton got me a new Canon SD700 IS camera. actually, what happened was we sold the camera he gave me for my birthday and used the money to buy me a new one.

My New Camera

                                    ain’t she a beauty?

ton also got himself a new one, the Canon G7, but he’s still deciding on whether he wants to keep it or sell it and buy something new. now, ton’s camera caused me a lot of grief, but it’s my fault i guess. i rushed ton into buying this one when the one he actually wanted was released a couple of days after i ordered the Canon G7. i’ve never hated a camera more lol.

Canon g&

i’m also getting ton a nintendo wii for christmas. now, you guys might think that ton and i are loaded right now. we’re not. we just saved money for a couple of months so that we can give ourselves a treat. if you know ton then you’d know that he knows how to take care of his money. he doesn’t spend for things he doesnt really need so buying himself a camera is a well-deserved treat.


If anyone knows where I can buy a Wii, can you please message me? All the stores near where our relatives and friends live have all completely sold out of it.

It also pays to have friends who are in the US right now. This is a shout out to Oui and Harold. Thanks guys! And come home real soon. Work is crazier without you two.. especially you Oui haha

December 6, 2006 at 3:28 pm Leave a comment

These three guys are the reasons why my fantasy league team is surviving despite kobe’s sucky play

November 30, 2006 at 10:12 am Leave a comment


Charlie Villanueva is injured! What will become of my team???


November 15, 2006 at 2:14 pm 1 comment

funny and embarrassing

i went to have a fitting for my dress for ton’s brother’s wedding in january with his mom and sisters-in-law. it was fun because i got to bond with them. the embarrassing part though is when the seamstress kept on referring to his mom as my mother-in-law.. whoa! embarrassing, right? hahaha

November 7, 2006 at 2:56 pm 1 comment

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